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Q: How much Diet Coke is sold a day?
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Where is the most popular place coke zero is sold?

Surprisingly, Mc Donalds has the largest volume of soft drinks sold per day, and that includes diet. as for supermarkets, walmart has the cheapest price, and the most volume. hope it helps!

If your diabetic which should you drink coke or Diet Coke?

watever u want to drink! you just cant have anything else the rest of the day.

How much was a 12oz coke in the back in the day?

the 12oz coke cost about 5 cents.

How many cans of coke are sold each day?

606 million all over the world!

How many coca cola cans are sold each day?

1.2 billion cans of coke are drunk each day

How much coca cola is sold in a year?

Coca-Cola sells around 1.9 billion servings of its beverages every day, which equates to about 694 billion servings per year. This includes all their variations of products such as Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Sprite, among others.

Victoria Beckham's diet?

Apparently Victoria Beckham only easts edamame peas, strawberries, lettuce and diet coke. She also does 200 situps a day.

What happens if you eat peppermint candy all day everyday?

Eating peppermint candy all day every day can have several potential consequences. The high sugar content can contribute to tooth decay and other dental issues. Additionally, consuming large amounts of peppermint flavoring may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, such as acid reflux or heartburn. Finally, excessive consumption of peppermint candy could potentially lead to weight gain and other health concerns associated with a diet high in sugar and empty calories.

Can Diet Coke affect the menstrual cycle?

Actually, yes it can. Diet Coke, even though it has artificial sweeteners, affects the way your body absorbs sugars, which affects your hormones, which affect the severity of your menstrual cycle as well as your moods. In some cases, drinking diet Coke regularly (at least 2-3 bottles a day) can lessen the severity of periods/cramps, but all in all, the negatives of diet soda still far outweigh that positive.

How much coke do they make everyday?

Good question. I have a degree in this area. Four cans. Production can peak to six cans in the event of Global trauma such as the 9/11 attacks or Paris Hilton chipping a fingernail.