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prolly just a couple shots. There are lots of charts you can find. It also depends of the percentage of alcohol in the drink

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Legally, it would be over two shots in an hour.

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Q: How much 80 proof alcohol does it take for a person to get drunk?
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When is a person intoxicated?

An intoxicated person is someone who has drunk too much alcohol, and is drunk. Probably staggering about, unsure of where or what he or she is doing.

How much do you need to drink of alcohol to get drunk Every type of alcohol?

There is only one type of drinkable alcohol - ethanol. To get drunk it depends on the person. .08 in most states (if not all) is legally drunk. That is an average four drinks at one ounce of pure ethanol per drink. One drink can be: a beer, 8oz of wine, 1 shot of hard proof liquor, or one mixed drink.

What is the meaning importance and use of proof in alcohol beverages?

the proof is used to tell you how much alcohol is in it. 100 proof is about 50% alcohol so jsut divide the proof by 2 the higer the proof the more alcohol

How much wine gets you drunk?

Each person will have different tolerances. How much wine it takes depends on their tolerance, and the percentage of alcohol in the wine.

When did you first get drunk?

you might get drunk after a pint or more then if you have to much alcohol you will be really sick

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How much alcohol is 48 proof?

48 proof means 24 % alcohol. Sounds like maybe a high alcohol wine or cough medicine.

If you are drinking 60 proof aclohol how much pure alcohol are you drinking?

60 proof alcohol is 30% pure alcohol. So if you are drinking a 60 proof alcohol, you are consuming 30% of pure alcohol content in that beverage.

How much alcohol would it take you to get drunk?

It depends on the type of person. Most people after almost 9-10 beers are drunk. If you feel your self getting dizzy then your almost drunk 1 or 2 more beers will do the trick.

Can whales get drunk?

yes... its like the the Boston tea party. if alcohol falls and they drink too much they might "get drunk" (but its not likely to happen) this is the kind of question a bored person would ask.

What is 86 proof alcohol?

The "Proof" of an alcoholic beverage is an indicator of it's alcohol content on a 200 point scale. Take the Proof # and divide it by 2 to find out what the percentage is. So, to answer you specific question, 86/2= 43. Therefore 86 proof alcohol is 43 percent alcohol.

How much of the alcohol drunk reaches the blood stream?
