Cranberry juice is 40 calories, and the vodka (80 proof) about 65. So a little over a 100.
Small (6.5oz) pack of orange juice contains around 85 calories, and 24 g of carbs.
it depends what kind of juice you're talking about ... theres 99 calories in cranberry juice, 62 calories in orange juice, an 8oz glass of apply juice has 120-150 calories depending on what brand , and grape juice has 170 calories
140 calories
There are about 110 calories in an 8oz can of RC Cola.
About 190
8oz of raw/ unpesturized milk equall 160 calories. Other sources I've checked say 149 calories / 8oz but I would go with 160.
An 8-oz. cup of Sprite contains 100 calories.
Almost all liquids weigh the same. For example, One cup of water weighs 8oz. So One cup of prune juice should weigh 8oz as well.
One half-cup serving of raw firm tofu contains 94 calories
There are about 120 calories in 8oz of strawberry Fanta.