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all people are different it depends on you gender, weight, age, last meal, how often you drink, muscle to fat ratio e.t.c. there are lots of things to consider ... ouzo is on average 40% abv so in the United Kingdom one 25ml shot is 1 unit. i have known people to drink 3-4 units and are drunk but on the other hand i have also known people myself included to drink a whole bottle of ouzo about 27.5 - 30 units and just starting to feel drunk

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14y ago
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15y ago

For someone about 150 pounds, two drinks in two hourswould probably make you legally drunk (.08 blood alcohol level). It doesn't take much alcohol at all to make you legally drunk, and alcohol stays in your system for hours before it is all gone.

SEE RELATED QUESTION below for great information.

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14y ago

tipsy probably 3-6

drunk probably 5-8 depending on the proof and age and that s***

im just taking a guess.

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13y ago

1 fluid ounce of Brandy (1 shot) contains 64 calories.

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About 3 shots and you would be considered too drunk to drive. With even 2 shots you may be some what impaired.

Can one person take 40 shots and not be drunk?

Nope! And drinking 40 shots quickly could be fatal.

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depends on time between shots, how big you are and how soon before u ate but usually about 8 shots in an hour do it for me i weigh 180lbs

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I think the real question here is why do you need to be drunk on a regular basis?

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It would take about 4 to 5 shots to feel a little buzz but about 8 to 9 to get really drunk

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depends on how often you drink or how much your body can tolerate. yegermeister is 70 proof so it can get some people drunk after just a few shots.

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Whats your point? Define shots; shots of what?

How much 80 proof alcohol does it take for a person to get drunk?

prolly just a couple shots. There are lots of charts you can find. It also depends of the percentage of alcohol in the drink

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if you're a 110 pound female then probably around 4-6 if you're a 200 pound male then probably around 10-12, if that helps any

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lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32 lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32

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How many minutes it takes for someone to pass out drunk depends on how much they drank.