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Q: How long does it take liquids to reach your kidneys?
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Do the kidneys store your waste?

no,they take the bad liquids out of your blood and then it puts them in your bladder and then they come out when you go number 1 [pee]

Do the kidneys receive any liquids straight from the stomach or the intestine or do all liquids come from the blood?

There's no direct 'connection' between the stomach and the intestine to the kidneys. All the liquids consumed go to the stomach and from there to the small intestine to be broken down to molecule size. Everything then is absorbed and 'picked up' by the blood, which will take the nutrients it needs from it. Once the blood took what it needed, it goes to the kidneys for filtering. The way kidneys make urine is a complex process and has been answered here in other posts. But to answer your question, no, the blood doesn't receive any liquids from the stomach or the intestine.

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About 3 weeks on average.

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