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Heat will be transferred initially by conduction, which is the direct heat transfer between object (your hand and the liquid). If you leave your hand in long enough, convection will become a major factor. Convection is when currents from a liquid circulate to transfer heat.

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Q: How is the heat transferred between the hot coffee and the part of the spoon that is in the hot coffee?
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What is the example of conduction?

An example of conduction is when a metal spoon placed into a hot cup of coffee becomes warm to the touch. This is because the heat from the coffee is transferred to the spoon through direct contact, causing the molecules in the spoon to vibrate and generate heat.

What is a example where energy transfer by conduction?

An example of energy transfer by conduction is when a metal spoon is placed in a hot cup of coffee. The heat from the coffee is transferred to the spoon through direct contact, causing the spoon to also become hot.

What are 3 examples that illustrate heat transfer by conduction?

Touching a hot pan and feeling the heat transferred from the pan to your hand. Placing a metal spoon in a hot cup of coffee and feeling the spoon get warm as heat is conducted from the coffee to the spoon. Walking on hot sand at the beach and feeling the heat transfer from the sand to the soles of your feet.

What is one example of where energy transfer by conduction is occurring?

An example of energy transfer by conduction is when you hold a metal spoon in a hot cup of coffee. The heat from the coffee is transferred through the metal spoon to your hand, warming it up.

When you touch a hot metal spoon what is the heat is transferred by?


If you touch a hot metal spoon you experience heat transferred by what?

You experience heat transferred through conduction when you touch a hot metal spoon. The heat from the spoon is transferred to your hand as the metal molecules vibrate and collide with your skin, causing it to warm up quickly.

When hot coffee is stirred with a spoon gets hot due to?

When hot coffee is stirred with a spoon, the mechanical energy from the stirring creates friction between the spoon and the liquid, generating heat. This process is known as mechanical energy conversion into thermal energy, resulting in the coffee becoming hotter.

How can you best use a spoon to cool a cup of coffee?

To cool a cup of coffee quickly using a spoon, simply dip the spoon into the coffee and then stir it around in a circular motion. The metal spoon will conduct heat away from the coffee, helping it to cool faster.

Which kind of heat transfer takes place if you put a spoon in a cup of soup and the spoon gets hot to the touch?

The heat transfer that occurs when a spoon in a cup of soup gets hot to the touch is conduction. Heat is transferred from the hot soup to the cooler spoon through direct contact between the two objects.

Example of heat transfer?

An example of heat transfer is when you put a metal spoon in a hot cup of coffee. The heat from the coffee is transferred to the spoon, making the spoon warmer over time.

What is the conduction with a saucepan and a spoon?

It's Because of the conduction. The heat comes from the saucepan is conducted by the spoon, and when it is transferred the spoon will start heating up.

How does a spoon get hot in hot water?

When a spoon is placed in hot water, the heat energy from the water is transferred to the spoon through conduction. The heat causes the particles in the spoon to move faster, increasing its temperature.