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Vinegar has a pH level of 3.0, while lemon juice has a pH level of 2.3. This means that lemon juice is a slightly stronger acid than vinegar. The stronger the acid, the better it will clean.

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16y ago

Yes. The acid etches away a small amount of the coin's metal.

If it's just an ordinary circulation coin like a penny from pocket change, don't worry because it's not enough damage to make any difference. But if it's a rare older silver coin using an acid on it could reduce its value

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Q: How does lemon juice clean coins?
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LUMPS OF RICE! will clean your penny sir

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I use Lemon juice to clean pennys it work out great! Lemon juice has a lot of acid so it is reasonable for lemon juice to clean pennys best. Hope this answer helps you! Your friend/answer person XXFKXX

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i would say dawn but lemon juice cause it is an stronger acid.

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no because of the sugar