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Typically, hot soapy water will do the trick. Just fill the carafe up with hot water and dish soap and let it sit. You can also use a small brush to break the sediments loose. Rinse and repeat until completely clean.

Denture cleaner rocks. Just follow the instructions on the packet. -ewinejl

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A solution of liquid Clorox bleach and water. Let is soak until it dissolves the red stain - possibly overnight.

I don't remember what the ratio of water to Clorox I used, but I would use 50/50. I assume the carafe is glass or crystal.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A little bit of bleach in water and a little bit of time. Wash well afterwards. Done.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A solution of bicarbonate of soda and water works quite well.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Boil them in vinegar.

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Q: How do you remove red wine stains from glass carafe?
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What is the name for a wine container?

A carafe is a container sometimes used to hold wine on a dinner table.It can also be a flagon.______________It is most often a bottle._______________It is also frequently a glass!

How easily will this remove red wine stains?

It should easily remove red win stains. As with all stains you will want to remove it as soon as possible.

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White wine will usually remove a red wine stain.

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It is called an ark.

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According to the website, a glass of wine will cost you between 3 and a half and 5 euros.A simple house wine will typically be 3 euros for a glass or 9 euros for a half-litre carafe.

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The waiter was inexperienced in serving expensive wine in a carafe.

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the ones that you create are the easeyst. the red wine stains are especially easy to get out. ... so are grass stains.

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What is a wine serving bottle called?

Decanter or carafe

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Club soda is effective at removing stains such as coffee, tea, wine, and juice. Its carbonation helps lift the stain to the surface, making it easier to blot away. It can also help with grease and food stains on fabrics.

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