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Q: How do you I tell the expiry of a 341 ml can of Motts clamato Caesar?
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The soothsayer warned Caesar that he needed to be cautious of the dangers of the Ides of March. Caesar chose to ignore the soothsayer.

Was Julius Caesar overambitious?

I have no idea, you tell me

By what method does Decius say he will use to get Caesar out of the house?

He will tell Caesar that Plutarch was to address the Senate to recommend that they honor Caesar by sending him out with Germanicus

What is a way to flatter Caesar?

To tell him that he does not believe flatterers.

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Beware the Ides of March.

Why do the conspirators ask Caesar to pardon publius cimber in act III of the tragedy of Julius Caesar?

Because they know Caesar will say no which will tell everyone that Caesar doesn't care for anybody but himself. They planned this all. They knew Caesar was going to say no.

What does Brutus tell Caesar to make him Leave the house?

to protect him

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It proves dat Caesar was very proud, over-confident and he treated himself like GOD

Why does Caesar tell Antony that Cassius is dangerous?

cassius seldom smiles

Why does Caesar tell Antony to come on his right side?

Caesar told Marc Antony to come to his right side in Act One, Scene two. Caesar did this because he was deaf on his left ear.