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You can argue that people should have the freedom to purchase whatever legal beverages they want. People are responsible for exercising their own self control by limiting how much soda they drink, but there shouldn't be a ban that limits their freedom to choose what they drink.

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Q: How do I argue against the statement 'Soft drinks should be banned' for a debate?
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Sample debate on soft drinks should not be banned?

I think that soft drinks should be banned.You must be thinking that i m answering on soft drinks should not be banned,so why i m writing for soft drinks should be banned.I m writing for my opinion on this.The term 'soft drink' means that it contains sugar.It can be harmful for our health.You must try an experiment on an dirty toilet pour some of the soft drink then see what happens.

Which amendment banned alcoholic drinks?

The 18th amendment; the Volestead Act

What is the negation of some drinks are not liquids?

The negation of "some drinks are not liquids" is "all drinks are liquids." This statement asserts that every drink is a liquid.

What is costa coffee's mission statement?

to provide some hot drinks!

Which New York mayor banned sugary drinks?

The current mayor (as of 2012), Michael Bloomberg, wants to ban "oversized" sugary drinks, but the law has not been passed yet.

What sweetener did the US ban in soft drinks in the 1960s?

The use of cyclamates was banned in the 1960's because of its damage to your health.

What is Coca-Cola's positioning statement?

the coca cola company is positioned in the the soft drinks industry.

Why is soda banned in New York?

Soda is not banned in New York. The New York Board of Health banned the sale of large-sugar sweetened that are more than 16 ounces from being sold a public places such as restaurants, movie theaters, delis, etc. The ban does not apply to drinks sold in grocery stores, diet sodas, drinks that are more than 70-percent fruit juice, or that contain alcohol.

Why cold drinks should be banned?

because they can cause all sorts of diseases including alzhaimers , scitzophernia and paedophilia and cancer and aids

Should fizzy drinks be banned from school?

Fizzy drinks should be limited rather than completely banned in schools. They can be high in sugar and calories, contributing to health issues such as obesity and tooth decay. Offering healthier alternatives like water, milk, or 100% fruit juice can help promote better choices for students' health.

What does going dutch mean?

The statement "going dutch" means going out for drinks or dinner and splitting the bill, everybody pays their own food and drinks or they pay an equal share of the bill.

Why was cocaine banned from Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola stopped putting cocaine in its drinks in 1904. Up until then there was an estimated 9 milligrams of cocaine per bottle.