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To get more sugar to dissolve in any liquid, simply heat it. Boiling water takes much more sugar into it than cold.

On a side note, Kool-Aid with it's normal amount of sugar is really bad for you. Instead, try adding natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, blue agave syrup, or honey. Stevia is another all natural sweetener that can be used in very small doses to produce a strong sweetness. Agave is my favorite.

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Q: How can you separate sugar from kool-aid?
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How much sugar is in 12 oz of koolaid?

there is about 12 to 25 grams of sugar

Is it okay for your heart to drink koolaid?

Yes, if it is sugar free.

How many teaspoons of sugar in a cup of koolaid?

There are four teaspoons of sugar in an eight ounce cup of Koolaid. If you drink half of that, a four ounce cup, you would have two teaspoons. This is less sugar than grape juice and apple juice.

How does koolaid effect your teeth?

It's full of sugar so they will rot

Is koolaid a solution mechanical mixture a suspension or a colloid?

Mechanical Mixture, because you can physically separate it.

Is koolaid a mixture or a pure substance?

kool aid is actually a colloid thx bye god bless loser

Is it a bad thing to feed your cat cool aid?

Koolaid is a human drink. The sugar and chemicals are bad for pets.

What happened to Christopher Columbus's son when Columbus died?

his son discovered fried chicken and the sugar to koolaid ratio.

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The impact he made was the discovery of how to fry chicken and the right sugar-to-koolaid ratio.

Which is worse for a person Koolaid or Soda?

I would say soda because it's carbonated and contains more sugar.

How do you separate sugar from sugar cane juice?

We can separate the sugar to sugar cane juice by evaporation juice from sugar cne.

How do you separate ammonium chloride and sugar?

You can separate ammonium chloride and sugar by using a process called sublimation. Ammonium chloride can be sublimed, or turned from a solid into a gas without melting, by heating it gently until it vaporizes. The vapor can then be collected and allowed to cool back into solid form, leaving the sugar behind. This method works because sugar does not sublimate and will remain in its solid form.