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Lemon juice is a natural hair lightener. It will give a more dramatic result in combination with the sun's ultra-violet (UV) rays. Cut two lemons in half, and squeeze either directly on to clean hair or into a spray bottle, which you can then use to apply the juice to your hair. If necessary, depending on hair length, use more lemons. After applying the juice, use a wide-toothed comb to help dispense lemon juice thouroughly through hair. Then let the hair dry. You wont need to spend any time in the sun as the acid in the lemon helps bleach the hair naturally. The process will need to be repeated a few times without the sun but a lighter shade will definitely be noticeable. Spending a couple of hours in the sun will brighten your hair faster. Remember to wear sun-protection lotion on any exposed skin. Even though lemon is acidic it also contains natural oils so it wont dry hair out too much. Using a good conditioner when washing the lemon out will restore softness and shine. This works best in the summer months, when the sun's light is most direct and the outdoor temperature is pleasant enough to stand for a few hours. And that is how you do it!! Bye

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10y ago
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15y ago

* Take any kind of lemon juice and aply any way you'd like to your hair and go outside in the sun and "tan" your hair or just simply go outside on a sunny day with lemon juice in your hair and do anything!

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11y ago

Okay so first you would have to put concentrated lime/lemon juice in a spray bottle with 2 table spoons of water but about half the bottle with lime/lemon juice... ALSO putting lime or lemon juice an dry out your hair. Then after applying 2 coats of the lime/lemon juice go stand outside in the sun for about 1-2 hours depending on how thin or thick tour hair is then go inside to wash it out.

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14y ago

it braks dwn the hairs natural pigmenation

it also drys the hair out and can damage it this is a better way :

to lighten ur hair with chamomile tea u can either:

use as a final rinse after washing ur hair, then blowdry or sit in sun

put in spray bottle and spray on dry/wet hair, also u can add baking soda to help lighten it and aslo keep it from getting greasy

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13y ago

You don't. If you have Brown or Black hair it will not get blond with lemon juice.

Second of all, don't pour lemon juice on your head. It has acid and will burn your scalp resulting to loss of hair (hair falling off your head)

Grab a brush, dip it in some freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush it on your hair. Not your scalp.

Only works if you have med-brown hair, and will not go blond. It will probably be a tint lighter.

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12y ago

You can't. You have to use lemons. You squeeze them out into a bowl, then put the lemon juice on your hair and sit in the sun. It may take a while to make it lighter, like a year.

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13y ago

put lemon juice on your hair, go out in the sun, your hair is bleached lighter- works best in summer when its really hot and sunny ;)

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13y ago

Mix Red and yellow colour to get Orange colour. Then mix it with white, you will get a Light Orange colour.

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Q: How can you dye your hair with lemon juice?
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Why does lemon juice dye your hair?

Lemon juice has a very high acid content that causes a lightening of hair color.

What can happen to your hair if you dye it with lemon juice?

lightens it or bleaches it

Can lemon juice really dye grey hair blonde?


If you dye your hair with lemon juice should your hair be wet or dry?

The acidic quality of lemon juice can lighten the hair slightly when exposed to sunlight. Hair should be dry so that it can absorb the lemon juice properly.

What is the best way to dye your hair blonde naturally?

You can dye your hair blonde naturally by applying lemon juice to your hair and sitting in the sun. The acidic lemon juice will react with the heat and light from the sun to naturally lighten your hair.

Is it possible to dye you hair with lemon juice?

yesif you want to bleach it

Does lemon juice get hair dye off of your skin?

yes, it does put lemon juice on a toothbrush and scrub and it should come off :)

How long does lemon juice hair dye last in mud blond hair?

a month or two

How do you lighten your hair without dye?

yes put lemon juice on your hair and go out in the sun :)

What can you use to dye your hair with out hair dye if you are a brunet?

You can lighten your hair quite a bit if you spritz it with lemon juice and go out in the sunlight (this is an old trick my grandmother taught me, and works best in summer). If you want to darken it temporarily, you can use coffee.

How long does lemon juice dye stay in your hair?

Its depends what shade of blonde your hair is before you use the lemon juice but the average length is probably 1-2 months.

Does lemon juice give red hair blond highlights?

no of cause it does not! hair dye or ur hairdressers