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Well, honey, you can try asking nicely and explaining why you think you're ready for it. But if your mom's not having it, tough luck. You'll just have to wait until you're old enough to make your own questionable decisions.

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4mo ago
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4mo ago

It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your mom about why you want to drink Monster Energy. Explain the reasons behind your interest, such as needing a boost of energy for a specific activity or task. Discuss any concerns she may have regarding the potential health risks associated with energy drinks, and work together to find a compromise that addresses both your needs and her concerns. Remember, communication and understanding are key in reaching a mutually agreeable decision.

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4mo ago

Well, friend, it's important to have an open and honest conversation with your mom about why you want to drink Monster Energy. Maybe you can share your reasons and listen to her concerns too. Remember, it's all about finding a compromise that works for both of you and respecting each other's perspectives.

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4mo ago

Oh, dude, if you want your mom to let you drink Monster Energy, you might as well just ask her nicely and hope for the best. Maybe throw in some good grades or extra chores to sweeten the deal. But hey, if she says no, just remember there are plenty of other ways to get a caffeine fix... like, I don't know, coffee or something.

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13y ago

I would STRONGLY suggest you do your homework. Investigate what all is in the drink. Then, I would also research what, if any, health risks are involved. "Taurine" is a main ingredient in energy drinks. Before you try to figure out how to convince your mom, you, yourself just might want to read up on what that is. My guess is after you learn about that, you won't worry so much about trying to persuade your mom, but you'll be thanking her instead! Either way, if you decide to pursue this, as a mother, I advise you to have all of your facts straight, present her with information, and then be mature enough to discuss your facts and her concerns. You just might win her over. But, us moms fear the unfamiliar, and we're too busy to check into every single thing ourselves. So, if my kids came to me with facts to support their argument and presented it in a respectful, educated manner, chances are I would bend!

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