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Got this from wikianswers..hope it helps:)

Coffee and air are mixed, but the coffee is heterogeneous, and the air is uniform and both have many substances in their chemical composition, the two have water, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, but in different molecular ways.

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Eula O'Hara

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Q: How are coffee and air chemicals alike?
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How is coffee and air chemically alike?

They both have suar. I get hiped with both. Woooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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How are coffee and air alike?

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Are there chemicals in freeze dried coffee?

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Is organic coffee healthier than regular coffee?

Non-organic coffee is normally grown using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Organic coffee does not use those chemicals. The coffee is grown with just natural fertilizers, like coffee pulp, chicken manure, or garden compost. The lack of synthetic chemicals in organically-grown coffee leads many to believe it is healthier.