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Yes, people have died from spider bites.

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Q: Has anyone ever died from a spider bite?
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When should you seek treatment for a spider bite?

you just panic and not care what so ever, just messing with you, you talk to a dermatologist, when you can, i hope all goes well for your spider bite

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What happiness if you get bite from a spider?

I must say that this is the first time I've ever heard anybody who was happy to be bitten by a spider. For most people, it is not that good of an experience.

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Yes, he did bite someone he has biten people in the past before he met bella.. he also does bite bella!

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Yes, he broke bones, had an infected spider bite, the most notorious injury was the burns to scalp.

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Technically speaking yes he has, at the end of the comic book series " Ultimate Spider-Man "

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