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The quick answer is yes. Tomato Juice contains certain substances such as Potassium which will inhibit the germination of seeds. If seeds are placed in 100% tomato juice then none should germinate however more will germinate when the concentration of tomato juice is reduced.]

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Tomato juice prevents seeds from germinating.

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Q: Does tomato juice inhibit seed germination?
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Alcohol and tobacco can have adverse effects on seed germination due to their chemical compositions, which may inhibit germination by impacting seed respiration and metabolism. It is recommended to avoid exposing seeds to these substances to promote successful germination.

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Germination occurs between seed dormancy and seedling emergence. During germination, the seed takes in water and begins to grow, leading to the emergence of a seedling.

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Chlorinated water can inhibit seed germination due to its disinfectant properties, which can harm the delicate seeds. The chlorine present in water can disrupt essential biochemical processes necessary for seed germination, leading to decreased germination rates or even complete failure. It is recommended to use non-chlorinated water for watering seeds to avoid this issue.

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Low water vapor on Mars would make it difficult for a tomato seed to germinate and grow, as water is essential for the initial stages of seed germination and plant growth. Without sufficient water vapor, the seed would not be able to absorb the water needed to kickstart the germination process and support the growth of the plant.

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Hot water can kill plant seeds because it can denature the proteins and enzymes essential for seed germination. Exposing seeds to high temperatures can disrupt cellular membranes and cause irreversible damage to vital seed structures, preventing germination. Additionally, hot water can also stimulate the release of compounds that inhibit seed germination.

Plant that begins with the letter I?

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Describe the role in the germination process of the seed coat?

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The contents of a seed are used up after germination by the seedling growing from it.