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=Too much is supposed to be hard on the kidneys and some teas still contain caffeine however, too much of anything can be bad. Prefer the Japanese long leaf green tea, because it has a really nice flavor. Some green teas can be quite bitter. It's supposed to be good for hypertension and high cholesterol. As for weight loss, I haven't seen it do that. Tea is a diuretic according to a herbal book. Green tea boosts your metabolism.......that is a known fact. Take about 6 tablespoons of loose green tea and place it in a 1/2 gallon container. Fill container with COLD water. Let it set in your refrigerator for at least 24 hours (more is better). Strain and enjoy. Avoid cheap loose green tea. But there is no suggestions for healthy gums by drinking green tea. Just keep brushing and flossing those teeth!=

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9y ago

Its does have some acid, so don't brush your teeth right after drink it.

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What tea stains teeth more green or white?

Green probably.

What are the advantages of Green Tea over Coffee?

green tea doesn't have caffeine. and also it doesn't stain your teeth. which is usually good.

Do green tea weight loss programs actually work?

I am not really sure if they work or not. I have never tried the green tea diet. I do know that green tea does have some good health benefits though. So I'm not sure it could really hurt to try it.

Green Tea Full of Antioxidants?

There are many benefits of green tea, but perhaps the most important is the amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce free radicals in your body. Free radicals can lead to cancer and premature aging. Green tea has more antioxidants than black tea, and it has less tannins that stain your teeth and cups.

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It is green tea plus citrus.

Does green tea stain your teeth?

Believe it or not, tannic acid. And Tannic acid is also used in the chemical staining of wood, so if it stains wood, it'll stain your teeth

Will soda pop hurt or stain your teeth?

yes but not hurt your teeth

Is green tea healthy for you?

green tea is healthy for you

How much hot green tea can idrink before it not healthy?

I really don't think green tea can really hurt you so go ahead and drink as much as you like... that's if you don't mind peeing a thousand times a day ;)

Does rooibos tea stain teeth?

Yes, tea is one of the most potent staining agents of teeth.

What is a green tea frappuccinos?

A milkshake made with green tea.