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Why would you want to eat coffee grounds? The best thing for a cough is over-the-counter medicine like dextromethorphan or guaifenesin. The best home remedy is to mix equal portions of honey and lemon juice and sip a teaspoonful every time your throat feels ticklish!

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12y ago

Actually, I am now! Got a cough a couple of days ago and got better till I drank coffee again. It make me feel like itchy in my throat that make me cough more.

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Are coffee grounds good for dog wood trees?

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Does eating coffee grounds help stay awake?

Coffee grounds would have caffeine, but why would you want to eat them?! Just drink a cup of coffee!

How does coffee grounds help pea plants grow?

Coffee grounds can benefit pea plants by adding nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to the soil. These nutrients help promote healthier plant growth and can improve the overall health and production of pea plants. The coffee grounds also help to improve soil structure and drainage, which further supports the growth of pea plants.

How does coffee grounds affect the growth of plants?

Coffee grounds can act as a natural fertilizer for plants as they are rich in nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for plant growth. However, it is important to use coffee grounds in moderation as they can alter the pH of the soil if used excessively. Additionally, coffee grounds can help improve soil structure and attract beneficial earthworms.

Can you ask a convenience store to hold onto their used coffee grounds for gardeners to pick up?

Starbucks in our area holds coffee grounds for gardeners. You can ask the convenience stores and they may be able to help.

Do coffee grounds help plants grow?

Yes, coffee grounds are good for citrus trees.Specifically, coffee grounds have about twice the nitrogen content that it has of phosphorus and potassium. They improve soil fertility and encourage soil food web life. For example, they repel slugs but attract earthworms.

Coffee grow plants faster?

Coffee grounds can be used as fertilizer for plants because they are rich in nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, which can help in promoting plant growth. The acidity of coffee grounds can also benefit certain acid-loving plants. However, coffee grounds should be used in moderation to avoid over-fertilization.

Have had diarrhea for 3Y's chronic and some times it looks like an oil slick and just yesterday it had coffee grounds in it well it looked like coffee grounds can any one help you?

You have what looks like coffee grounds in the bm,well this is blood that has dried therefore you should see a physician to be thoroughly checked out. You could have ulcerative colitis.Good luck

Coffee grinds on maple trees?

Coffee grounds is a popular additive to mix with soil when planting and caring for many non-indigenous trees. If a maple tree is planted in a yard, coffee grounds can help to correct the pH level of the artificially modified soil necessary to growing yard grass.

Can you add coffee grounds to the soil in Clark County NV?

Coffee grounds contain nitrogen. They have an acid pH. Both can help the soils of Clark county. In that county, the soil is called caliche or desert. It has an alkaline pH. It lacks sufficient nitrogen.

Are coffee grinds good for plant soil?

Yes, coffee grounds can be beneficial for plant soil as they can increase soil acidity and provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. It is important to use coffee grounds in moderation as they can be acidic and impact the pH of the soil. Be sure to compost the coffee grounds first before adding them to the soil.

What are the effects of coffee on bamboo plants?

Coffee grounds can be used as a natural fertilizer for bamboo plants, providing nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. The acidity of coffee grounds can also help lower the pH of the soil, which can be beneficial for certain types of bamboo that prefer acidic soil. However, it is important to use coffee grounds in moderation as excessive amounts can lead to nutrient imbalances or soil pH issues.