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It actually causes me to throw up. Maybe if you try to alternate a bit of water in between alcohol drinks, but when I'm already drunk it makes it more likely that I throw up.

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Q: Does drinking water when drunk help you not throw up in the morning?
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Can you get drunk from drinking water?

of course not

Why do you throw up after drinking cold water?

Umm you usually do not throw up after drinking cold water.

What number of percentage does wkd have?

3% And if your wondering it cant get you drunk, drinking water will get you more drunk.

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The common cold is caused by a virus and is not caused by drinking water on an empty stomach early in the morning.

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All the drinking water used in Sharm el Sheikh i transported into sharm from deep wells in bottles, the water that comes out of the taps is not drinking water and should not be drunk

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Temporarily by the mass of water drunk. This soon lost again.

Can the Nile water be drunk?

If it is filtered and sanitized. I wouldn't consider drinking it without boiling it first.

Why does drinking water after alcohol make you drunk again?

yes but only the morning after you pass out because the body is dehydrated and the alcohol isn't out of your system. Drinking water flushes the alcohol out which will in-turn make you feel a little bit drunk again. of course you will not be wasted but you will feel the effects of the alcohol again.

How many ml drinking water are in a quart?

I don't know, I'm too drunk to tell

Where water goes after drinking?

it goes to your stomach then throw your intestines then to your bladder then out your privite part. ^_^

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An example of induction is observing that the past five times you have drunk coffee in the morning, you felt more alert and focused. Therefore, you conclude that drinking coffee in the morning makes you feel more awake and attentive.

Can you get drunk again by drinking water the morning after you drank wine?

They say when you pass out from drinking ,when you wake up,drink a glass or more of water.This will make your body feel the alcohol thats still in your system.But tried this many times and it isnt enough to brag about.And if your a regular drinker,the water will not all be absorbed like they say,its gonna come, out