

Best Answer

Yes, temporarily. One gallon of water weighs about 8.35 pounds.

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Q: Does drinking water make you weigh more?
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No, drinking water will make you urinate more than drinking soda. This is because the water cleans the toxins out of your body.

If you drink 1 liter of water will you weigh 1 kg heavier?

No, drinking 1 liter of water will not make you weigh 1 kg heavier. The weight of the water you drink is already included in your body weight before you drink it. Weight gain or loss occurs when you consume more or less calories than your body uses, not from simply drinking water.

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Is Dizziness four days after drinking normal?

You may be dehydrated. You should drink a gallon of water a day. Even more if you are drinking. When drinking, make every third drink just water.

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you have to cut back on salt not by drinking more water.

Are we running out of drinking water-?

No, we are not running out of drinking water in the United States.

Does chugging water help you lose weight?

yes but no because your drinking to much water and that will just make you have to pee and be more heathier

Does seltzer weigh more than water?

No, seltzer does not weigh more than water. Seltzer is simply water with added carbonation (carbon dioxide gas) which might make it feel heavier due to the bubbles, but it does not actually increase its weight.

How much weight you can lose in one week by drinking more water?

None at all. Drinking more water will not reduce your weight.

Does water REALLY cause weight loss if so how much?

Drinking more water will keep your body from hoarding it, the amount that you lose will be determined by how much you weigh and how hydrated you are now. Happy Weight loss!