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No. Drinking water does not affect the levels of THC in your blood stream

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13y ago

tea is good to lower the level of THC because it has lots of antioxidants

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13y ago

marijuana stays in the body for 30 days. drinking water will help a little to clean your system out but it wont help pass a drug test. stay clean for 30 days before taking the test.

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Q: Does drinking tea and water reduce your THC level?
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Do antiobiotic kills THC?

no. working out like crazy, and drinking water.

How much water to drink to bring THC levels down?

Drinking water can help dilute THC metabolites in your system, but there is no specific amount that will guarantee reducing THC levels. Staying well-hydrated may help flush toxins more efficiently, but it's not a foolproof method to lower THC levels significantly. It's important to allow your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate the THC.

How long does THC stay in your system if you smoke 3 blunts a day and weight 300?

7-30 days drinking lots of water and not smoking will generally greatly reduce the Detection Period in Urine for a drug test.

Are there vitamins that will flush THC out of your system?

There are no vitamins that can directly flush THC out of your system. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help to dilute the concentration of THC in your urine, but the most effective way to eliminate THC is to abstain from using it.

How can you clean your fat cells of THC?

Water ! Fluids and lots of them. There is no quick clean but drinking lots of water daily will speed it up .

How can you lower your THC level?

To lower your THC level, you can drink plenty of water, exercise regularly to burn fat where THC is stored, and eat a diet high in fiber to help flush out THC metabolites through bowel movements. It is also important to avoid further cannabis use.

How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your sytem with water?

Water typically doesn't "flush" your system of THC, what drinking a lot of water does is adds water to your urine, diluting it and making it harder to detect the THC so drink a lot of water before you urinate for a test and pray it will work.

Can you reduce THC through sweating?


Does drinking water vinegar and garlic work to detox marijuana?

In one word -- no. I don't believe that anything does. THC is Very persistent.

How do you flush THC from urine in 24hrs?

its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining

How Can you reduce your THC level?

daily work well as consuming large amounts of water (apx. 2-5 gallons a day depending on body fat percentage)..THC attaches to fatty cells in the body...which are released through urination along with other bodily a daily (rigorous) workout is an ideal way to lower THC concentration...however the easiest way to reduce your THC level is to go cold turkey for bout 45 days then use the methods listed above DAILY...u have 2 b extremely committed to zero ur levels...however as a stoner, it will b very difficult 2 find time between munchies, naps, an bong rips.

How do you get weed out of system?

you can flush your system by drinking a lot of water for around five hours but you cant eat or drink anything but water or else the THC will get absorbed into your urine