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yes it does like you can drink really hot tea or soup as long as you dont burn yourself and you can also rub vapor rub on your throat

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Q: Does drinking hot water cure soar throat and chest fleme?
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Do you get sore throat by drinking cold water?

You won't get a sore throat by drinking cold water.

How do you get something down that is caught in your throat?

Try drinking (gulping) water.

Can drinking ice water make a soar throat hurt more?


What kinds of muscles are used in drinking glass of water?

When drinking a glass of water, muscles in your mouth, tongue, and throat are primarily used. These muscles work together to help you suck the water into your mouth, swallow it, and move it down your throat into your stomach.

How do you prepare for a deep throat scene?

Not eating all day and drinking plenty of water.

Why does your cats fur on his chest look wet?

Probably because he has been licking his chest or he has been drinking out of the water bowl with it pressed up against his chest.

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It may have a soar throat. And bottom line, they drink lots of water.

Why do chickens raise their head when drinking?

So the water can travel through their throat. They don't have whatever it is that humans do to swallow the water.

How do you remove dust from the back of your throat?

Try drinking an Italian grape soda or some filtered water.

What happens if you keep on drinking hot water when your throat is infected?

nothing or maybe it'll hurt a bit :)

Does drinking hot water help a sore throat?

Drinking hot water may help soothe a sore throat, but that very temporary. Here are some other ways to relieve a sore throat. Gargle warm salt water, have lots of hot teas and soups, and take ibuprofen, which may help ease sore throats, fevers, and other pains.

Any side effects from drinking tonic water daily?

Well I've been getting a sore throat after drinking it. Every time. Wondering the same thing.