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Q: Does coke zero contain wheat
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Does Coca-Cola contain wheat or gluten?

No. Gluten comes from wheat. There is no wheat in coke. If it was beer it might have wheat.

Does pepsi contain sugar than coke zero?


What diet sodas contain aspartame as an artificial sweetener?

Diet sodas that contain aspartame as an artificial sweetener include Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, and Coke Zero.

Which is healthier Diet Coke or coke zero?

Well if you look on the back of the can it will tell you the calories and what it has inside it but its definitely coke zero because not only has it got zero calories it has zero caffeine and sodium

Which erupts higher Diet Coke or coke zero?

coke zero definetly

Which has more Aspartame Coke Zero or Diet Coke?

Diet Coke has more aspartame with 125 mg vs 58 mg in Coke Zero per 240 ml. For more info click on the following link:

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR

Is it true that Coke Zero has more sugar than a regular Coke does?

No. Coke Zero has no calories, while regular Coke does.

How much Liters is Coke zero Large?

Coke zero Large is 1.5L Coke zero regular is 600ml+

Why is sprite zero pH different from that of sprite?

Sprite zero is an acid just as Coke or Coke Zero.

Is Coke better for you more than Coke Zero in health related?

coke zero is better because no sugar

How much sugar is in Coke zero?

None. Coca-Cola Zero is called that due to "Zero Calories, Same Taste". Having no calories, Coke Zero has no sugar.