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no it's not because any kind of coffee won't make you hyper like redbull because redbull is made from a company that makes nuclear drinks like monster or y8 and if you ask what y8 is it's not a website even though it is y8 is an old energy drink i don' know is they still sell it or not i don't know so don't ask. there you go coffee is not an energy drink compared to redbull.

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Q: Does coffee have more caffeine than most energy drinks?
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Is monster energy better for you than soda?

Monster energy drink is actually worse for you than coffee is. People have gotten seizures and have fainted because of the over consumption of Monster energy drinks. It would take well over 4 times the amount of coffee than Monster energy drinks needed to have a caffeine-related seizure or go into a caffeine-related coma. Because the caffeine level in Monster energy drink is more than twice that of coffee, coffee is scientifically more healthy for you to drink than monster.

What is in sports drinks that make them energy dricks?

More caffeine.

What things have Caffeine?

Coffees, teas, energy drinks, cake, coookies, ice cream, anything with guarana, chocolate, Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew are just a few of the things that contain caffiene. Check the label of products you buy to see if it's in the product.

Why were energy drinks made?

to give people more energy with the caffeine and other ingredients

How do you get more energy without drinking coffee or energy drinks?

Get more sleep or take vitamins

What goes into energy Drinks?

Mainly caffeine and sugar (just caffeine in the sugar-free ones). It's much cheaper, and just as effective, to take caffeine pills, along with some candy if you want the sugar rush. Or drink coffee. Contrary to popular belief, most energy drinks -- like Red Bull -- contain LESS caffeine than coffee, not more.

Are energy drinks better than sport drinks?

Energy drinks give you more energy because the chemical that is in it when you frist drink lets out an chemical full of energy and an energy drink alos contains glucose contains a lot of energy I think i am not too sure!

What makes people call sports drinks energy drinks?

Athletes sometimes consume caffienne-rich sports drinks because caffeinne is sort of like an energy boost. It makes you more awake and more aware.

Is coffee a good substitute for energy drinks?

Coffee contains caffeine in it, so naturally, it will keep you awake for a while. However, the caffeine does not actually give you energy. More like a false since of vitality, like a "spike and crash" drink. It does have some health benefits if it is consumed in small amounts, but at the same time, it can cause sleeping disorders and anxiety.

Does coffee make sex better?

While the caffeine in coffee might give you a bit more energy, there is nothing to suggest that coffee is in any way an aphrodisiac.

Why are energy drinks not healthy?

Energy drinks are unhealthy because they contain extremely high levels of sugar and caffeine as well as calories. So not only are you overloading your system with caffeine which is really not good for you, but you are adding extra calories to your diet, aka a few extra inches to your butt. Energy drinks have also been known to cause kidney stones, because they are highly acidic, just like soft drinks. It is best to limit yourself to small amounts of caffeine and energy drinks. If you really need to use energy drinks try healthier energy drinks. One called FRS is one of the best out on the market. It contains low levels in sugar and caffeine, they also have lower calorie versions. For more information and a trial offer go to

Do energy drinks affect people with ADHD differently?

Energy drinks are very high in caffeine. Caffeine tends to make people with ADHD feel more alert and calm, rather than jittery, as high doses of caffeine make other people feel.