Turn a profit quicker,the longer the product sits on the shelf, the longer it takes to buy more and restock.
Humbert Wolfe
no that just helps it stay warm.
Toilet sits are often more effective if done after meals
it sits there and chews food, dummies! and to make brushing even longer
It could if it sits too long. If it sits just long enough to be thawed, you don't have much risk. It's when it sits after it's no longer cold that the bacteria can start to grow.
yeah of cours it does lady/man
Depends on the person and the circumstances. The more severe the concussion, the longer the potential for pcs. It can also be determined based on the brain's activity. the more active the brain and thought process will show pcs for longer. Ex) A college student's pcs will probably last longer than someone who sits home and plays Video Games all day.
Depends on the person and the circumstances. The more severe the concussion, the longer the potential for pcs. It can also be determined based on the brain's activity. the more active the brain and thought process will show pcs for longer. Ex) A college student's pcs will probably last longer than someone who sits home and plays video games all day.
No and it's also not cool to leave the seat up. also the longer it sits the morer it stinks.