yes it does because black emits heat better but as well as white coffe has its own milks temperature
As the 'froth' has a high concentration of air, thus providing insulation between the hot liquid and cooler air above the 'froth'.
They stay in their burrows at night and for the hotter part of the day.
No. It gets hotter - that is not the same
Coffee will stay warm and fresh for two hours after the brewing process.
Yes. (the cream does not stay on the teeth, the coffee does)
it helps you stay awake longer
Coffee is very acidic and will prevent the growth of bacteria over the short term. Drinking day old coffee that has not been refrigerated will not hurt you but you should probably stay away from coffee that has been sitting out longer than a day or two.
People drank coffee to stay awake and to give them a boost in energy.
Actually coffee does not stay hotter in a ceramic cup vs a Styrofoam cup, but would stay hotter in a ceramic cup vs a paper cup.A good insulator for a water based liquid will reduce conduction and convection. Styrofoam works well keeping coffee warm because it has a small mass and a large volume. The small mass helps eliminate conduction. The large volume is because the sintering process traps tiny pockets of air that help eliminate convection. With those two together you get hot coffee longer.
drink a lot of coffee