

Best Answer
  • Yes zero calorie diets work~however you will likely either gain it all back or become anorexic.
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Q: Does a starvation diet work
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Use starvation in a sentence?

Many of the slaves died en route, due to starvation. Starvation is not a healthy diet plan.

Do diet pills acctually work?

Most of them DON'T, and the ones that do only give temporary results. The best way to lose weight is a reduced-calorie (not starvation!) diet with regular exercise.

What is the synonym of diet?

fast, starvation, dietary, regime

How do you do a starvation diet?

Go to your doctor and say you are interested in a VLCD (a "Very Low Calorie Diet").

What does a bread and water diet mean?

It is a punishment that uses starvation.

Are you in starvation mode if you are eating 1400 calories a day and burning 1000 at the gym?

Starvation mode is not a medical term. Starvation is not having sufficient to eat or a proper balanced diet to maintain life and good health.

What are the risks of the 7 day diet?

you might die from starvation and feel really ill

How do you gain weight on the starvation diet?

The liver is meant to remove all toxic and bad fat from the body. If you starve your self your liver will not work and will produce even more fats in your body.

What problems are involved in defining ideal body weight?

starvation diets, and diet pill abuse

Is it good to diet?

No, it isn't really good for your health to go on diets (ex: the starvation diet, the Lemonade Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, etc.). The best way to lose excess weight is to eat a healthy, balanced diet of at least 1,200 calories (more if you're male and/or overweight) combined with regular exercise at least 3-6 days a week. Dieting doesn't work.

What is starvation diet?

do u want to start a starvation diet or something ? If so, i dont know you personally, but i believe it is a very unhealthy way to lose weight, it is very dangerous and is putting your body under conditions it is not going to be able to handle, you become very weak and naseuated (sp) i mean its just not a good way to try to loose weight, your missing out on all your nutrients and vitamins, and you start to loose alot of energy. im just saying i dont think highly of that weight loss method. Just my opinionAnswerStarvation diet is where people either eats very small amount of food or basically nothing at all. Using starvation diet can also lower your metabolism rate, so instead of losing weight you're already causing your body to store fat. There are many different ways if you want to try starvation diet like for example you have to change nutritional compositions before entering in the world of starvation diet.

What is the starvation diet?

do u want to start a starvation diet or something ? If so, i dont know you personally, but i believe it is a very unhealthy way to lose weight, it is very dangerous and is putting your body under conditions it is not going to be able to handle, you become very weak and naseuated (sp) i mean its just not a good way to try to loose weight, your missing out on all your nutrients and vitamins, and you start to loose alot of energy. im just saying i dont think highly of that weight loss method. Just my opinionAnswerStarvation diet is where people either eats very small amount of food or basically nothing at all. Using starvation diet can also lower your metabolism rate, so instead of losing weight you're already causing your body to store fat. There are many different ways if you want to try starvation diet like for example you have to change nutritional compositions before entering in the world of starvation diet.