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Yes, the food that is hot trades its heat inside with the cooler air around it blowing on it makes this process speed up.

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yes you dumábss

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Q: Does Blowing on a cup of tea make it cooler?
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What would happen if warm tea was in a metal cup?

Type your answer here... the tea would make the would make the cup hot

Why can you make a cup of hot tea sweeter than a cup of iced tea?

Hot tea is capable of dissolving more sugar than iced tea.

Should we say that he has a cup of tea or he have a cup of tea?

He has a cup of tea.

What is difference between tea of a cup and a cup of a tea?

There is no such English phrase as "tea of a cup." You either have a cup of tea, or you have tea in a cup.

When a cup of tea cools down how is the heat transferred to the surroundings?

Heat is transferred from the hot tea to its surroundings through convection, where the warm air above the tea rises and is replaced by cooler air. Heat can also be transferred through conduction, as the tea cup itself loses heat to the cooler air. Additionally, some heat may be lost through radiation, as infrared radiation from the warm tea is emitted into the surrounding environment.

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you make a cup of tea and then add a lot of milk

What was the goal of the tea party movement?

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What is cooler a teacup with a spoon in or a one without a spoon in?

Equal options:1) a tea cup without a spoon in2) a tea cup which is first completely broken, then completely fixed, and finally with a similar high quality spoon in

Are you going to make mam a cup of tea?

no you will never

Should you make a cup of tea?

No, I prefer coffee.

Which process is necessary to make a hot cup of tea?

the answer is refraction

How do you make a cup of tea for aliens?

You sweeten it by adding Martianmellows.