soda more sugar and i just tested with it and it lived longer week1 stayed same week 2 soda lasted longer but flower is alive week 3 soil dies
week 4 seeds of soda sprout
Keep them well fed and disease free and cut out any dead or weak wood annually.
no a plant with bleach will not live for a week or so
there is no such thing of prarie roses.
they live on roses
Roses have been known to live for hundreds of years.
Mouton rode
on your head
in georgia in some places
Theoretically, they should survive roughly the same time in both types of water. They might survive for a little longer in mineral water. The only sure way to find out would be to experiment
Bees use roses for pollen, and some creature live by roses to be able to catch creatures attracted to them - like spiders, lizards, etc.