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Green tea is known to speed up our metabolism. In this way, they can help you lose weight when combined with a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet.

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Are there any weight loss systems that utilize green tea?

I have heard that green tea can help people lose weight. You could also buy green tea capsules in case you get tired of drinking the tea all the time.

what is the green tea diet and does it work?

The green tea diet specifically requires you to have a cup of green tea with meals and snacks, about 4 to 5 cups a day. You can also take capsules instead. It seems to work when combined with a sensible eating plan, but perhaps a sensible diet plan is really all you need. Proponents claim that the green tea helps because it reduces insulin production and raises metabolism.

Can I use green tea as a herbal diet pill?

No, green tea is not mentioned on any website to work as a diet pill. Green tea will not suppress your appetite.

Does green tea extract work to detox your system?

no it does not.

How can I find out if green tea weight loss programs work?

I can tell you that it does work if you stick to it with exercise. Green tea is a great source of Antioxodents it is this that is the reason for weight loss.

Is green tea good for menopause?

It can be, green tea is good for the body in many ways. (calming, helps cleanese it, aids metabolism, ect.)

Is red tea better than green tea?

Yes, I think so Green tea, but both are good tea to drink as well as health also, you will feel the energy in your body with good taste.

Is green tea better than red tea?

Yes, I think so Green tea, but both are good tea to drink as well as health also, you will feel the energy in your body with good taste.

Will tea help you lose weight?

Only green tea helps you in weight loss. If you see the ingredients of many weight loss medicines its main ingredient is green tea. Green Tea contain high amount of catechin polyphenols which intensify the process of fat burning in your body. If you drink green tea regularly it will gradually increase the metabolism of your body and help in burning fats naturally.

Is white or green tea more alkaline?

Green tea is included in one of the 12 best foods for maintaining a healthy alkaline level in your body

What are the best sex products?

Eggs are good to help both man and woman and green tea

What impact does dandelion tea or capsules have on canker sores?

Taking dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ) tea or capsules may help heal sores and also prevent future outbreaks.