I believe it is the canopy. But it may be in the one just below that.. +++ Try the ground - they attack ants' nests. the clue is in the animal's name.
Snakes live in the canopy layer of the rainforest.
Yes, they do. They live in the canopy layer. They are beautiful.
no, they live in ants
Sloths live in the Canopy.
No trees live in the canopy. They all live on the ground.
No theye live in a goup
yes or no
Anteaters do not live in America what so ever because of the climate. Anteaters like cold weather and usually live in Ireland. There has been some cases where scientists have found whole colonies of anteaters under the pacific ocean and their diet consists of octopuses, sharks and whales.
in the middle of the canopy of the tree :)
Cassowaries live on the rainforest floor. They are flightless; neither do they climb.