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No. An anteater licks up its food through its long snout and uses its long rubbery tongue to squish the food against the roof of its mouth.

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Q: Do anteaters have teeth
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Are anteaters teeth sharp?

Anteaters do not need teeth they just use a long sticky tongue to collect the ants.

What liquid do anteater teeth dissolve in?

Anteaters don't have teeth

What type of teeth do anteaters have?

They have no teeth. Instead they have long sticky touge to eat there major food ants

Which animal have the fewest incisor teeth?

Many animals have absolutely no teeth at all, such as birds or anteaters. However, a sloth has four molars, but no incisors.

Is a anteater a reptile?

No, anteaters are edentates. They don't have teeth. Armadillos, ardvarks and pangolins are also in this family.

How do anteaters chew?

Number one, it's teeth. not teath. Number two, anteaters do not have teeth. Their main diet is made up of foods that do not need to be chewed, such as ants, termites, soft fruits, other insects, and if necessary, birds eggs.

What is an Edentata?

Edentata is an outdated taxonomic grouping that includes armadillos, sloths, and anteaters. These animals were grouped together based on their shared characteristic of lacking front teeth or having reduced teeth. However, this grouping is no longer used as these animals have been reclassified into different orders based on genetic and morphological data.

Mammals replace teeth only once during their lives?

Usually, yes, but there are exceptions. For example, baleen whales have teeth as embryos, lose them, and never replace them. Anteaters, pangolins, and echidnas never have teeth. No mammals replace their teeth twice during their lives.

How many babies can an anteater?

All species of anteater, pygmy, giants, and lesser(tamandua) anteaters all have just one baby at a time though occasionally may have twins. Twins never survive in the wild as the mothers only have room for one baby to ride on their backs. Babies stay with their mothers for about a year, so anteaters can have several babies in a lifetime.

Are anteaters a invertebrate?

No, anteaters are vertebrates.

Why do anteaters have eyes when they are blind?

anteaters are blind

What does anteaters?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites