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Yes, to get alcohol

They have an addiction so yes they use other people to get what they want.

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Q: Do alcoholics use people
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Related questions

What group can alcoholics use to help with their sobriety?

they can go to "AA" it means Alcoholics Annonomys

Are alcoholics capable of loving?

Yes, alcoholics are capable of loving. They are capable of all emotions. They are people.

When did the prohibition begin?

after people became alcoholics

Which famous people were alcoholics?

Noah and Lott

What are some prejudices against alcoholics?

People often believe that alcoholics are derelicts and bums. However, this is just a stereotype.

Who are alcoholics?

Alcoholics are individuals who suffer from alcohol use disorder, a chronic condition characterized by a strong craving for alcohol, loss of control over drinking, and negative emotional and physical effects when not drinking. Alcoholics often continue to drink despite negative consequences in their personal, professional, and social life. Treatment and support are available to help alcoholics overcome their addiction.

How many people are alcoholics in America?

It depends upon the study and who is doing the study. Most suggest 5 - 10% of Americans are Alcoholics.

Do alcoholics think they don't have problems?

Most alcoholics know they have problems, but their use of alcohol and their denial systems prevent them from adequately comprehending or dealing with the root causes.

What is Ala teen?

Alateen is a mutual support group for young people effected by alcoholics in their lives. It is sponsored by Alanon, which is a part of the "family" of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) organizations.

Which organizations supply help for alchololics?

There are many organizations that provide help for alcoholics. One of the most popular organizations that people recognize in conversation is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

What is the organization for recovering alcoholics?

Alcoholics Anonymous

What has the author Donna Buys written?

Donna Buys has written: 'The unseen alcoholics--the elderly' -- subject(s): Aged, Alcohol use, Mental health, Older people