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US Army Engineers had water purification units, that purified the water in large base camps. Men in the field placed two iodine tablets in their canteens to make the water potable. All GI's in Vietnam lived on Vietnamese river/creek/stream water for 12 months or more.

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Q: Did American soldiers drink water from Vietnam rivers during the war?
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What are some major rivers or lakes in Vietnam?

major rivers of Vietnam is the Mekong River

What rivers flow through Vietnam?

The two main in rivers in Vietnam are the Red River and the Mekong River.

Did they have showers during World War 2?

There were not showers available to the soldiers during World War II. Bathing was done in large wash tubs that were filled with water. Soldiers would strip and climb into the tub for their allotted bathing time. Their clothing was fumigated to help control the lice. Soldiers would also bath in small rivers and creeks when they had the opportunity.

What did soldiers use in the jungles of Vietnam to bathe themselves?

they used soap if they had it--ususlly we washed in rivers or rain water from out helmuts---seldom if ever used our own drinking water

What lakes rivers seas or oceans are in Vietnam?

There is Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam.

How did Poisons effect water during the Vietnam war?

GIs in Vietnam didn't worry about it (had no choice), idodine tablets went into the canteens, and the US Army Engineers purified the water taken from creeks and rivers.

What two enemy forces did the American army face in Vietnam?

The heat and smell. In the US the smell was of concrete and fossil fuels (traffic); in Vietnam it was the smell of vegetation mixed with swampy rivers, water buffaloes, and the humidity.

What are the two largest rivers in Vietnam?

The two largest rivers in Vietnam are the RED RIVER in northern Vietnam (which flows through the capital Hanoi) and the MEKONG RIVER in southern Vietnam (which flows through the largest city both called Saigon and Ho Chi Minh City).

What is Indigenous to Vietnam?

Rivers, Mountains, Trees, and farmland.

What has the author Bill Ferguson written?

Bill Ferguson has written: 'Laughter on the rivers of death' -- subject(s): American Personal narratives, American Riverine operations, Personal narratives, American, Riverine operations, American, Vietnam War, 1961-1975

What two rivers were most important during the earliest days of the American colonies?

The Hudson and Potomac.

Did the US military scientists dump mutant piranha's into Vietnam rivers?
