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No, this is a bad idea... It would be better to measure out a bump and mix it with water... Trying to absorb it through your stomach wouldn't be the same because of the dilution. You could try sublingual, the main problem with this would be the cost... Yes you could get a buzz from drinking it but it would require more cocaine which means more money. If this is a problem just smoke weed its way different but just as good.

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Q: Can you mix cocaine with water and drink instead of snorting injecting or smoking and if so how much cocaine and how much water?
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Smoking, snorting, swallowing or injecting bath salts.

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Snorting cocaine is significantly worse than smoking marijuana. If you do your research smoking marijuana over the age of 25 causes very little harm.

How does methamphetamine get into the body?

Snorting it/inhaling through the nose, smoking it, eating it, or injecting it with a needle.

If someone using cocaine kisses you does it get in your system?

No. Cocaine can only enter into a person's body through snorting it (inhaling it through the nose), smoking it, or injecting it. Cocaine does not enter into a person's bloodstream through close bodily contact with someone who has recently used it. Cocaine enters the bloodstream very quickly when it is inhaled; it goes directly to the brain. It also exits the body very quickly; the cocaine "high" lasts only about 20 minutes. The only way a urine sample can be positive for cocaine is if it is directly put into the body by smoking it, snorting it or injecting it.

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No I Guess Everyone Reads

How are drug taken?

5 ways drugs are taken:* Smoking (Marijuana, Crack, etc)* Snorting (Cocaine, Oxycontin, etc)* Injecting (Heroine, Morphine, etc) * Swallowing (Ecstasy, Norco, Alcohol)* Suppositories (Insertion into the anus)(Alcohol, Vicoden, etc)* Lingual (Under the tongue) (LSD, Etc)

Can smoking focalin get you high?

I heard snorting it can. But its more of a cocaine high not a marijuana high. Just stick to the herb man you don't wanna die. If you don't have bud chill with friends who do or just chill with friends in general don't be dumb smoking an ADD pill or snorting it.

How does meth enter the body?

Meth can enter the body through various methods, such as smoking, injecting, snorting, or swallowing. Each method has a different speed of onset and intensity of effects. Smoking and injecting meth deliver the drug rapidly to the brain, resulting in intense effects, while swallowing or snorting meth produces a slower onset of effects.

What are the top 5 industries in America?

the top five industries in America in 1995 were Viagra, Ecstasy, snorting cocaine, smoking marijuana and hanging them black people.

How do you smoke Concerta?

Smoking Concerta isn't possible. Concerta is methylphenidate in a special extended release capsule. This capsule covers the drug inside rendering abuse through snorting, injecting, and smoking impossible. The release is activated through the acids in the stomach.

How do you get rid of the ghosts that you see?

If you believe that ghosts are real, some success in removing them has been found by hiring a priest to exorcise them. Otherwise, ghosts are not real; you should simply not smoking/snorting/injecting whatever you are.

What is the meaning of baser?

A baser is basically a pretty bad drug addict. They sit around all day smoking, snorting, injecting, and just doing drugs in any way, shape, or form possible.