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yes after scientific tests it has showed you absoulutly can so if your not over 21 this is not for you.

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Marques Hyatt

Lvl 10
2y ago
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11y ago

Yes, You will get a small 'high' depending on the amount you drink, the same effect from eating a whole lemon. It is due to the undeluted acids in lemons juice.

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Sultani Mehran

Lvl 2
3y ago

Yes, If you drink raw Lemon Juice with salt.

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Hal Keebler

Lvl 1
3y ago
I'm not sure this is right...

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8y ago

No, there is no alcohol in it.

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Yumeko Jabami

Lvl 2
3y ago

From my point of view right now, it's a solid yes

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Lvl 1
4y ago

By drinking lemon juice and eating a lemon

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Q: Can you get drunk or high off of lemon juice?
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Can you run a car off of lemon juice?

No, lemon juice is not combustible.

Does lemon juice get hair dye off of your skin?

yes, it does put lemon juice on a toothbrush and scrub and it should come off :)

Did James cook discover lemon juice or not?

James Cook did not discover lemon juice but he used it, together with lime juice, to help ward off scurvy in his crew.

How do you get water deposits off tile?

Try lemon juice

How does lemon kill bacteria?

Lemons contain citric acid, which has antimicrobial properties that can help to kill bacteria. The acidity of lemon juice can disrupt the cell membranes of bacteria, preventing their growth and causing them to die off. Additionally, lemon juice can create an inhospitable environment for bacteria by altering the pH levels in which they thrive.

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Does sugar and lemon juice work to take pimples completely off?

not sue but I know lemon juice works. Although the sugar probobly would help dry them out.

Can you can drunk off of cranberry juice?

No, you cannot become drunk off of ordinary cranberry juice. However, you might become drunk if someone added any type of alcohol, such as vodka or tequila to the cranberry juice without your knowing.

How do you become light?

you can use lemon juice on your face for 15 min and then wash it off

What can cut your period off?

Lemon Juice & Taking Birth Control Pills Also.

Which juice cleans pennies the best lemon grape or orange?

Lemon juice. It has a pH of 2.3, whereas orange juice has a pH of 3.3. What is being cleaned off is the CuO and CuCO3 that forms on the penny. Both O2- and CO32- are bases, so the stronger the acid, the more effectively they will be reacted away. I did a quick online search for the pH of grape juice but did not find anything, but given that it lacks the sour taste that orange and lemon juice have (an indicator of acidity), I would have to assume that it is not as acidic as either lemon or orange juice.

Is lemon high or low in acid?

Lemon is high in citric acid, which gives it its sour taste. This acid content can cause erosion of tooth enamel and irritation to sensitive tissues in the mouth, so it's best to consume lemon in moderation and rinse your mouth afterwards.