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It's fine to drink water for a standard cholesterol blood test. I can only assume it's also OK for many other blood tests.

You're doctor or lab should have standard instructions for how to fast prior to blood work. Call them and confirm if they are still open. Your doctor's office/lab may have instructions for fasting posted on their website.

Remember, if your DO slip up and eat something during the fasting period, tell them! Otherwise your results will be screwed up.

Coffee is also usually allowed, but NOT with sugar or cream.

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Q: Can you drink water if test calls for fasting?
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fasting blood test means to take sample empty stomach. however a little water can be taken.

Blood test fasting?

A fasting blood test is done after 8-12 hours of fasting (no food or drink other than water). This is done to get accurate readings of glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. It is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for fasting before a blood test to ensure accurate results.

Can you drink water before an A1c test?

Yes, you can drink water before an A1c test. It is important to stay hydrated, and water will not affect the results of the test. However, it's best to follow any specific fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

Can you drink bubbly water before fasting blood test?

It is generally recommended to avoid consuming anything except water for at least 8-12 hours before a fasting blood test to ensure accurate results. Carbonated beverages like bubbly water may affect blood test results, so it is best to stick to plain water during the fasting period.

Can you drink water before a blood panel which requires fasting?

It's generally recommended to follow the fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider before a blood panel. Drinking water before a fasting blood test is typically fine and can help keep you hydrated. However, it's best to confirm with your healthcare provider if it's okay to drink water before your specific blood test.

What is the minimum fasting time for lipid profile test?

The minimum fasting time for a lipid profile test is typically 9-12 hours. It is recommended to fast overnight to ensure accurate results. You can drink water during this fasting period.

Can you drink a Diet Coke the night before a fasting blood test?

It's best to avoid drinking Diet Coke the night before a fasting blood test as it may contain artificial sweeteners that can affect blood glucose levels. Stick to water to ensure accurate test results.

Should you eat before a non fasting blood test?

It's usually recommended to fast for 8-12 hours before a non-fasting blood test, which means no food or drink except water. Check with your healthcare provider to confirm if fasting is necessary for your specific blood test.

When fasting for glucose lab work can i drink water?

Yes, it is generally okay to drink water while fasting for glucose lab work. Drinking water will help keep you hydrated and should not affect the accuracy of the test. However, avoid drinking any other beverages or consuming food.

What can you eat or drink before a fasting blood test?

Water. Anything else will affect the glucose levels...including black coffee.

Can you drink coffee before a fasting blood test?

It is best to avoid drinking coffee before a fasting blood test as it can affect the results, especially tests related to glucose levels. Coffee can increase blood sugar levels, potentially impacting the accuracy of the test. It is recommended to stick to water only during the fasting period before a blood test.