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The average person does not drink enough water daily, thus making the blood a bit thicker. It is a good idea to drink water 2 hours before having blood drawn to thin it out a bit making it easier to draw the blood out.

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Yes. No tea or coffee though. And no smoking.

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Q: Can you drink water before blood sugar test?
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What happens before you mix powdered drink mix sugar and water?

Before mixing you have, of course, separately sugar, water and drink mix.

How do you lower blood sugar?

take extra insulin and drink water

How will eating before a blood test effect your blood sugar levels?

Eating before a blood test can cause a temporary increase in blood sugar levels due to the digestion of carbohydrates. This increase may affect the accuracy of certain blood tests related to glucose levels, such as fasting blood sugar or HbA1c tests. It is generally recommended to fast before these specific blood tests to obtain accurate results.

Why can't you eat or drink before a physical exam?

For a complete physical, there is usually bloodwork done. When you eat something, or drink something besides water, this affects the chemistry of your blood. Therefore, the physician will want to get a pure sample of your blood to examine.If you eat something with a lot of sugar, for example, your blood will show high sugar concentration and the physician will diagnose accordingly.If you have eat or drink before the physical exam, your blood pressure will increase so that you can not perform well in physical exam.

Why can'y you drink milk before a blood test?

Only water is acceptable to drink before a blood test. Milk has fats and sugars which can elevate your levels.

Why sugar patient have to drink a lot of water?

sugar patiens have to drink alot of water to dilute the concerntration of the sugar.

Can you drink water before a thyroid blood test if doctor just said to fast?

Yes. Drink water as you would normally.

Why does water make the plant grow more better than sugar water?

It makes the plant grow well because water is better and healthier than sugar water. If we were a plant we would not drink sugar water we will drink water. For some plants they drink sugar water and some drink water.

Can you drink water before a blood panel which requires fasting?

It's generally recommended to follow the fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider before a blood panel. Drinking water before a fasting blood test is typically fine and can help keep you hydrated. However, it's best to confirm with your healthcare provider if it's okay to drink water before your specific blood test.

Can you drink coffee before a fasting blood test?

It is best to avoid drinking coffee before a fasting blood test as it can affect the results, especially tests related to glucose levels. Coffee can increase blood sugar levels, potentially impacting the accuracy of the test. It is recommended to stick to water only during the fasting period before a blood test.

Can dehydration affect high blood sugar?

Yes, If you have dehydrated, or have loss of water, you may suffer from high blood pressure, normally because our blood volume will drop without water.

Can you drink water and decaf coffee before blood work?

Yes, you can drink water before blood work. Some healthcare providers may allow decaf coffee before blood work, but it's best to check with your healthcare provider for specific instructions, as some tests may require fasting.