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It tastes slightly off but is still drinkable. It's a little flat but still got plenty of fizz.

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Q: Can you drink pop after it's been frozen?
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Partly frozen drink 6 letters starting frap?

The frozen drink with 6 letters is a frappe.

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No, guinea pigs should not drink pop.

What are the lyrics to the danimals frozen crush cup commercial?

Summer's here! So freeze your danimals. Pop it up! Pop up a frozen crush cup Pop up a frozen coolision. Pop it up now be on television. Yeah get in on the crush! Get in on the two flavors. Pop it up with your crew! Pop it up at the pool! Pop it up! Pop it up! Cause it's c-c-c-c-cool! Pop it up

How much pop do you drink before you end up with hiccups?

I get hiccups on the first drink, almost everytime i drink a pop.

What soda pop is the best to drink?

I have been told by my doctor that Diet Rite is the best pop because unlike other pops, it is low in sodium.

What is the best pop drink in the world?

the best pop drink in the world is mtw dew or pepsi

What are pop pops?

Pops are frozen desserts on sticks

What pop do people drink in haiti?

People drink fruit champagne(not really champagne) and this stuff like sprite. I've been there so i would know.

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