

Best Answer

That is like asking your doctor if you can drink and drive or drink while in rehab. Now think about it!

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Q: Can you drink monster with medication?
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Should you drink monster if you are on medication?


What are the side effects of drinking monster and taking medication?

This depends on what medication. You should not drink anything with a lot of caffeine if you take a stimulant medication or an anti depressants this would cancel out the medication and could lead to serious medical condition's.

Which food group do monster energy drink's fall in?

monster monster monster monster

How does your monster drink on Moshi Monsters?

Your monster drinks the same way it eats. You click on the chest that holds the drink, drag the drink to your monster and let go!

How are muscles affected by drinking monster?

monster has pretty bad sugars in the drink of the drink

Do monster drinks have alcoholic?

No. Monster Energy Drinks do no contain alcohol.

Is the energy drink monster an acid or a base?

Monster energy drink is carbonated. Thus therefore, it is an acid.

What energy drink does mindless behavior drink?


What can happen to you after you have had Zoloft phentermine Ativan and a monster energy drink?

Your brain will be screaming "will you please make up your mind??" if you take Zoloft, phentermine, Ativan and a Monster energy drink together. If the Zoloft is a regular medication, then you can take that out of the equation. The phentermine and energy drink will be stimulating your nervous system and the Ativan will be sedating you. Maybe the best way to describe that combination would be "wide awake vegematic."

Is monster engrey drink alcol?

no. monster energy is not alchol

Is it safe to drink on medication?


What is Taylor swifts favorite soda?

Taylor's favorite soda is monster energy drink.