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You really shouldn't. The cumulative effects on your liver can be lethal.

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13y ago
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12y ago

yes as long as you drink water in between and dont consume too much alcohol.

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Q: Can you drink beer with amoxicillin and vicodin?
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Why can't you drink alcohol with Vicodin?

It is not safe to drink alcohol with narcotics such as vicodin because alcohol intensifies the effect of the medications.

What are effects by taking Vicodin and Lexapro?

I have taken them together and survived. 20 mg Lexapro with 5 mg Vicodin and 3 pints of beer. My doctor said the Lexapro and Vicodin are ok together as long as it is supervised and within the recommended dosage. The beer, probably not ok.

Can you drink beer on private property in Michigan?

Yes, you can drink your beer on private property, if you can legally drink beer to begin with.

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The general consensus among the medical community is that a couple of drinks consumed while on antibiotics is fine.

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What would happen if you take a vicodin then 2 hours later a Tylenol 3?

If this happens, you must immediately drink a beer or two...Nah, you'll be O.K...there's no negative interaction between the two.