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Q: Can you do nose rinses with bottled water?
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What rinses the eyes and face with water to remove chemicals?

Water rinses the eyes and face if water is used to remove chemicals.

Is a bottled nose dolphin endangered?


How do dolphins get names?

because of there nose that is how it get it name bottled nose dolphin.

Use the bottled in a sentence?

Please grab the bottled water in the fridge!=Do not let the bottled water go to waste. The bottled water in the pantry is Aquafinas, not Zephyrhills. =P Lolz..=

What is the difference between bottled spring water and bottled distilled water?


Is bottled water an element?

Bottled water, like any other water, is still H20.

Do chameleons drink bottled or tap water?

Bottled water that is purified would be best.

Why did they make bottled water?

They made bottled water so that people can have portable water wherever they go.

Does tap water cost more then bottled water?

Actually tap water is more regulated and pure than bottled water

How big are adult female and male bottled nose dolphins?

as big as my dick

Is bottled water soft water?

Bottled water is not necessarily soft water. Much of the bottled water sold in stores is plain tap water, some is from springs containing various minerals in solution, and some is distilled water.