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Distilled water has already been boiled so you do not have to do it again. Distilled water has all impurities already removed.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Because boiling it kills the bacteria in the water.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Yes, it is good for you!!!!!!

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13y ago

it kills most of the germs but not all

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11y ago

To kill bacteria.

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Q: Can people drink distilled water
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What is a sentence for distilled?

You should not drink distilled water as it lacks minerals which are beneficial for us.Make a solution of the salt in distilled water.

Can dogs drink distilled water?

I don't see why not. They drink toilet water and gross puddle water.

Is distilled water safe to drink?

Yes, it is water with impurities removed.

Can you drink lab water and why?

Whether or not you can drink lab water will depend on what has been added. If you are referring to the water from the safety areas, then yes, you may drink that water because it's distilled.

How can I find out if distilled water products are safe to drink?

Is there any distilled water for drinking that I should stay away from? I heard from a friend there is a brand that has dangerous minerals in them.

I want distilled water for drinking and all i can get is demineralised water but it has a label that says not to be taken..Can you drink demineralised water?


Can teddy bear hamsters drink distilled water?

I would not give any animals distilled water because it has been stripped of all its minerals. Stay with bottled or tap water.

Is distilled water is harmful when you drink?

Not particularly, though drinking only distilled water may remove an important source of certain biologically important metals and salts from the diet.

Why you cannot drink distilled water?

Distilled water lacks minerals that are essential for your body, so consuming large amounts could potentially lead to mineral deficiencies. Additionally, some argue that it may have a flat taste due to the absence of minerals. However, consuming distilled water in moderation is generally considered safe.

What happens when you drink distilled water once?

Drinking it once will have little or no effect, but the regular drinking of distilled water is not to be encouraged for health reasons. The lack of naturally occurring minerals in this water has raised some concerns.

What is likely to happen to people who drink steam water with microorganisms in it?

Drinking only distilled water may be inadvisable, but I'd worry more about the mico-organisms causing intestinal or other illnesses.

Why is distilled water not suitable for drinking purposes though it is in its purest form?

Distilled water lacks minerals that are essential for the body, such as calcium and magnesium, which are typically found in tap or spring water. While it is pure, drinking only distilled water may not provide necessary nutrients and can lead to mineral deficiencies. Additionally, the taste of distilled water is often considered flat or unpalatable compared to water with minerals.