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No, because diet Ginger Ale loses all the sodium and carbohydrates that the normal Ginger Ale contains which helps the stomach. And maybe even belch LOL

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Q: Can flat diet Ginger Ale help your stomach when it hurts?
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What are some websites with tips for the flat stomach diet?

According to several websites that rate the effectiveness of diets, the "flat stomach diet" is a scam and you should not follow it as it is a scam and not effective.

Best Flat Stomach Diet?

It can often be difficult to find the best diet to help you get a flat stomach. However, by learning to follow a flat stomach diet, you should be able to enjoy one in no time at all. Getting a flat stomach requires that your body burns more calories than it consumes on a daily basis. Replace one of your current meals with a low calorie snack such as yogurt on a daily basis and make the effort to perform stomach working exercises such as sit ups on a daily basis. This should help you get a flat stomach quickly.

Do pushups equals flat stomach?

A good diet + exercise = flat stomach So while push ups can help in making a flat stomach, which in fact is just low body fat, it will be useless if proper nutrition and other exercise, ex. weightlifting and cardio, is not utilized.

How can I get a flat stomach fast?

To get a flat stomach, you should combine a low-fat, low-carb diet and exercise. The exercises should include a combination of cardio and a routine with crunches to target your abdomin.

Should you drink 7up or ginger-ale for heartburn?

Generally it is inadvisable to drink ANY carbonated liquids when you have heartburn as the carbonation will make matters worse. Of the two - flat (carbonation removed, defizzed, etc) 7up is a bit easier on the stomach than flat ginger-ale as it contains a little less sugar.

Where can I find a flat stomach diet that is fast and efficient?

There are a variety of flat stomach diets, mostly involving proteins and very light foods. The quickest way to lose belly fat is to exercise, doing daily sit-ups and crunches.

Is there a diet that can help me attain a flat stomach?

Unfortunately, there are no diets that can specifically help you attain a flat stomach, because when the body loses weight, it loses it from all across the entire body, not just in one location. Your best bet is to find a lifestyle diet that you can use for a year and lose weight across your entire body.

Is ginger ale good for the stomach virus?

Sprite, 7up, and ginger ale are all good for the flu. They help with nausea and also help your stomach settle by neutralizing some of the acid in your stomachMore answers:7-UP and Ginger Ale are the best drinks for a tummy upset and my mom gave it to me when I was a kid. The trick is to NOT drink it cold, pour some in a glass LET STAND for at least 15 - 20 minutes until the pop goes flat and then drink it. I dont know about 7UP and Sprite since they seem to have a lot of other ingredients but the best thing is Ginger Ale and its best to stick to the Canada Dry brand but here's the trick. Have it at room temperature and it has to be slightly flat. Too much carbonation and it will upset your stomach even more. The slightly flat has less carbonation that helps ease the stomach; might induce burping though if you have a lot of gas in stomach but the sick stomach is not from gas. It's when you eat foods that are tainted or if you have a virus. There are two things at play in gingerale. first there is SLIGHT carbonation that makes you feel better and second Ginger Ale though it may not list it on label on ingredients it contains GINGER which is medically approved to help with upset stomaches.Actually, All three of those are good choices, and if it is gas, its best if you drink it carbonated, and ice cold, that way you can burp up the extra gas in your stomach, also the slower you drink it the less gas the pop will give you that way you don't have to burp up any more gas than necessary.Actually, GINGER-ALE is without doubt a much better choice than anything else--one of the few herbs that has been scientifically proven to do what traditional folk medicine says it does is ginger, and ginger settles the stomach. If flat and drunk slowly, it is easier to keep down than water. Burping when your stomach is sick can induce vomiting, so you definitely don't want that. Ginger ale with real ginger in it, at a moderate temperature (not ice-cold), and flat, taken slowly in small sips--that's best.

What are some tips on how to get a flat stomach?

A flat stomach is achieved through diet and exercise. One must lose fat by eating fewer calories than are consumed, and remove excess through cardio. Muscle exercises for abs will also help.

How can you get a killer flat stomach?

What I did was to quit drinking pop/soda and I did a lot of exercise. I noticed when I quit doing those things I gained some of the weight back. So you have to continue to exercise, otherwise you won't get anywhere. For more in-depth information, see the related question, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

What is the ISBN of Flat Belly Diet?

The ISBN of Flat Belly Diet is 1594868514.

What is the weird old tip for a flat belly people talk about?

It's just a scam/virus websites use to trick people. The best way to get a flat stomach is through a clean diet and lots of exercise.