Not seriously, it just gives you galloping diahorrea. Obviously, the more Prune Juice you drink, the worse the diahorrea is and the longer it goes on for. In the medium to long term, this is weakening because your body can't absorb all the nutrients it needs- you end up flagging, tired and undernourished. However, it couldn't lead to anything really serious- it's just not a very wise thing to do!!
Drinking too much prune juice can lead to diarrea, gas, and painful abdominal cramps. Over time it can alter the ph level of your digstive track.
100 grams of prune juice contains 7 mg of Magnesium.
It's the same logic as heating oil for quicker effectiveness in gear traction. An alternative to Prune Juice is the Papaya. And you needn't warm it up! Don't discount the simple enema as an alternative to prune juice. It's quicker and actually healthier! Hope things are on the move soon!
Well, if drinking too much apple juice seems to be bad then I think grape juice is too, but only if its not made entirely of grape.
at night it will put acid on your teeth and in your stomach.
I depends whether or not your eating food.
Yes a butterfly can get drunk by drinking a juice that makes them to a butterfly to a fly
Yes drinking too much vinger can hurt because the Acid in the vinger burns away your stomach skin . That is correct, but one teaspoonful in a galss of water before meals is OK. NEVER drink it straight.
Food: Perogies potatoes pumpkin poultry pineapple pizza peaches peanuts/peanut butter prunes drinks: peach juice pina colada prune juice punch much more!
No, not unless you drink WAY too much of it.