Yes it is possible. Recent studies in animals have linked diet sodas or sugar substitutes to weight gain. Apparently the Diet Soda will not cause the weight gain but it will prompt behaviors of over eating.
Diet Coke itself does not contain any calories or sugar, so it is unlikely to directly cause weight gain. However, some studies suggest that consuming artificially sweetened beverages like Diet Coke may lead to increased cravings for sweet foods, potentially contributing to weight gain indirectly. Moderation is key when it comes to any type of beverage, including diet sodas.
coke zero. diet Pepsi makes you gain more weight.
You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.
Drinking that amount of coke can rot your teeth. If its diet coke there isn't a lot of sugar but despite that it is still associated with weight gain. Normal coke has a huge about of calories and sugar and can cause weight gain and predispose to diabetes and high blood pressure. Increase cola consumption has also been associated with low bone density but it is not clear if that is from the soda or just a generally poor diet.
Weight gain diets are designed for people who are very thin or have difficulty gaining weight. I have been put on a weight gain diet in the past without success. There is a site called thednadiet dot com that will provide you with information on the weight gain diet.
well of course because if you drink coke then eat that doesnt mean you don't gain weight so the answer is yes because coke isn't a type of thing that makes you not gain weight. Also whoever wrote this question is the biggest idiot on the earth.
Eating more calories than you burn up causes you to gain weight. If you can burn up a high carb diet, you won't gain weight.
You can find diet tips for weight-gain on the following sites:,,,,, There are many more sites on internet for this information.
If you are a high calorie liquid diet, it can make you gain weight. It is best to incorporate food into your daily calorie intake.
If you have had Gastric Bypass surgery your doctor has already told you and reviewed with you how to eat after surgery. If you do not follow the diet your doctor has set out for you, you are going to gain weight. Follow the diet and you will not gain weight.
There are two different routes to gain weight - healthy and unhealthy. The healthy approach to weight gain would be to eat natural foods high in protein, carbohydrates and fat. The unhealthy way to gain weight, would be to eat lots of convenient and/or processed foods.