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the giant anteater is endangered

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Q: Are anteaters endangered
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How gaint anteaters are endangered?

Giant anteaters are considered Vulnerable according to the IUCN. The main threat to them is habitat destruction.

How you can save giant anteaters from b eing endangered?

We can teach people about them and we can learn more about them if we give more food to them and make bigger living areas for them we can save them...

Are anteaters a invertebrate?

No, anteaters are vertebrates.

Why do anteaters have eyes when they are blind?

anteaters are blind

What does anteaters?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites

What is the collective noun of anteaters?

There is not specific collective noun for anteaters, most likely because anteaters are solitary animals. However, if you need a word for a group of anteaters, a noun suitable for the context is used, for example a pair of anteaters, a family of anteaters, etc.

What type of insects do anteaters eat?

Anteaters eat ants.

How often do anteaters eat in captivity?

anteaters eat twice a day

Why do anteaters have long tungs?

anteaters have long tungs for smelling and eating

Is a giant anteaters baby a egg or a mammal?

the anteaters baby is a mammal.

How do spiny anteaters move?

Spiny anteaters, or echidnas, move with their feet.

What does anteaters eat?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites