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Though born under the sign of Aquarius, a person born on January 22 is said to be an "Aquarius born on the Cusp of Capricorn". This means that this individual will display many of the traits of Capricorn as well as those of Aquarius. However, the shortened version is that they are an Aquarius.

but are they more Aquarius than Capricorn?

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Q: You were born on January 22 does that mean you are not fully Aquarius?
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What does aquarious mean?

Aquarius is Latin for "water bearer" and is the zodiac sign for anyone born between January 20 and February 18.

What does being a acquarius mean?

Aquarius is a sign of the zodiac, it's your starsign it means you were born between January 21 and February 19 some people believe that phases of different planets affects different people, according to their starsign

What does the zodiac sign for an Aquarius mean?

The Zodiac Sign for Aquarius is the Water Bearer as Aqua means water. Aquarius, however, is an air element.

When someone is born on Valentine's Day does it mean that they are a cupid?

No. Their astrological sign would be Aquarius. Cupid is the god of love and there is only one of him.

What are the dates of Aquarius sign?

You mean what time of the year are aquarius' born? January 21-February 19.The Age of Aquarius is either the current or new age in the astrological cycle. Each astrological age is approximately 2,150 years long, on average, but there are various methods of calculating this length that may yield longer or shorter time spans depending upon the technique used. Unlike sun-sign astrology where the first sign is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, whereupon the cycle returns to Aries and through the zodiacal signs again, the astrological ages proceed in the opposite direction or order. Therefore the age before the Age of Aquarius - the current age - is Pisces. It has been said that we are currently shifting into the "Aquarian Age"

What does it mean to be an Aquarius in the year of the dog?

it means your stupid

Do Aquarius men act mean to you when they like you?

no its just you

What does it mean to be born February 14 1986-?

To be born on February 14, 1986 it means that you were born on a Friday. That day was also Valentine's Day.

What is the name Aquarius mean?

The name Aquarius is derived from the Latin word for water bearer. In astrology, Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with qualities like independence, innovation, and humanitarianism.

What are you if you were born February?

i am a professional psychic from Hollywood CA. to be born in february, it proclaims that the human born in this month tends to be emotional, energetic, enthusiastic, and are good at entertaining other people. unfortunately, they will commonly never have a successful love life and end up with few friends in life. if you need help you can call me at 1-508-785-5766 my name is Cynthia roudy.. good luck!

If a Virgo man sacrifice everything can he get the Aquarius women?

Love doesn't have to mean sacrifice. If an Aquarius woman can't accept the Virgo man as he is, it's HER problem and HER loss!

Are most Aquarius blind?

I assume you mean people with this astrological sign. Of course not, why should they be?