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The tendency to fall into daydreaming throughout the day can be bad if the lack of attention and reduced state of awareness interfere with one's work and ability to function in daily life. The condition may be caused by a physical or mental illness, and should be treated by a medical professional.

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Q: You daydream on and off all day subconsciously you fall into dreaming why and is this bad?
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it means that either somebody is like half asleep or off in a daydream. or crazy.

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Dreaming is a verb, it is also a verbal noun and a verbal adjective. Examples:Verb: She was dreaming of the day that all the kids would be in school.Noun: Dreaming will not get you to your goal, you have to take action.Adjective: A smile played on the face of the dreamingchild.

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no this was a rumor. You can see from her book Jacky Daydream that she did not LIKE her father but he did his best and she loves him all the more for it.

Can someone be aware while they are asleep?

It depends on what you mean by aware. If you mean aware of the world around them, yes it, happens all the time, your senses, especially hearing, do not shut off when you fall asleep, but most of the time, what you hear will be incorporated into your dream. If you mean aware that they are dreaming, or able to affect things in their dream, again, it is possible, Its called lucid dreaming.

Can you die while lucid dreaming?

The simple answer to this is NO, absolutely not! Lucid dreaming is not at all dangerous. There have been many, many studies done on lucid dreaming and they all show it to be perfectly safe. However, if a plane crashed into your house while you were sleeping, or something like that, then yes, i suppose you could die while lucid dreaming. In other words, you can not die FROM lucid dreaming. However, like anything, you can die WHILE lucid dreaming.

Does anyone else see the future in their dreams?

i have and so has my mates we all have the same dreams and dont know what to do From James:Yes.All the time.I was dreaming a pregnant woman would fall over on a bus,and I took tthe bus the next day and it happened!

How important is the dreaming to aboriginal social organisation and culture?

The Dreaming is very significant to Aboriginal spirituality because envelopes the most essential aspects of their society such as creation, history, ancestry, folklore, laws, rituals, ceremonies, culture and philosophy. The Dreaming is a never ending aspect of Aboriginal life which looks at the past and the present to be able to foresee the future. The Dreaming is what makes the identity of an Aboriginal person. The land to which a person belongs to is what supplies the link with the people and The Dreaming. Dreaming stories contain a lot of meaning; the truth from a story is what sets the law for the present. Some dreaming stories portray what consequences a bad doing may bring onto a person and what the future may hold for all of us. Dreaming stories give meaning to human life. To Aboriginal people The Dreaming was and is a very significant part of their life because The Dreaming has molded them into who they as individuals and a society have become. All their rules, laws, way of life and humanitarian way of been is shaped by the stories and experiences that The Dreaming has provided to the Aboriginal people. By: carolina.s