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If you are a female of childbearing age and have been sexually active since your last menstrual period, a pregnancy test would be a good idea. Otherwise, the pregnancy in the dream is a symbol representing your own growth and development, perhaps in this blossoming friendship that has enriched your life.

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Q: Why you dream about being pregnant with friend as the father?
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what does it mean when you dream your bestfriend is pregnant?

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Next time use a condom before messing around with your friend's girl.

What if a friend of mine had a dream about me being pregnant and having a miscarriage?

Your friend's dream is about herself, not about you. She might care for you a lot, and worry about your health, but at the deepest level, her dreams are about herself. In her dream, "you" represent some part of herself. The pregnancy and miscarriage probably refer to some task or project your friend is trying to develop, and fears might be ruined. > No matter whom the dream is about, it does not predict the future, but expresses your friend's fears of failure.

What does it mean to dream of your friend being pregnant while you are?

This dream is about the dreamer "planting a seed," which is another way of describing getting someone pregnant. That "pregnancy" or "planting" might represent almost anything from giving someone an idea, inspiring the friend to take action or, if the dreamer has not been careful, creating a situation in which a pregnancy test might be advisable.

What does it mean when you dreamed that your baby father was beating your baby in your dream?

The interpretation depends on whether the dreamer is pregnant in reality or is dreaming that she is pregnant. If the dreamer is really pregnant, the dream of being beaten could express her exhaustion and painful feelings. Strong movements of the unborn child can often feel as if one is being "beaten up" from within, and could trigger such a dream. OTOH, if the pregnancy is part of the dream, then it expresses extreme vulnerability and feeling victimized. The dream expresses feelings of being very badly and unfairly treated in real life.

What does it mean when your fiance is pregnant from your friend in a dream?

This dream expresses the dreamer's own feelings, fears, experience or anxiety. It provides no information at all about the fiance or the friend or the source of any pregnancy. The most likely interpretation is that the "friend" represents the dreamer himself, and the "pregnancy" symbolizes the relationship being developed with the fiance.

What does it mean if you dream your daughter was pregnant?

To dream about your daughter being pregnant basically means that a parent thinks that the daughter is practicing unprotected sex. In most cases, people dream about what they think.

What does it mean to dream of a friends father standing beside him but the father is dead and the dreamer has never met the father?

This dream suggests that the dreamer recognizes the influence of the past in the friend's life and/or the dreamer's own life.

What does your dream mean you had a dream that you were pregnant and your water broke and you went to the hospital and you were giving birth and my bf never showed i was by myself?

This dream suggests the dreamer doubts the boy friend will be there for her when she needs him.

What does it mean if you dream that you are pregnant and don't who the father is?

If the dreamer is a sexually active female of childbearing age, the dream could be an early sign of pregnancy, and the dreamer should obtain a pregnancy test as soon as possible. Otherwise, dreams about being pregnant generally refer to an idea or project that is being developed by the dreamer. In this case, not knowing the father suggests that the dreamer does not really know where the idea came from, or perhaps does not know the origin of the project or assignment. See the attached link for further information.

What does it mean when someone close to you dream about you being pregnant?

Dreams are about the person having the dream. So this other person's dream is about that person, not you.

What does it mean when a women dream shes pregnant?

To dream that you are pregnant symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.